We are pleased to announce you that new dates have been released for the symposium.
The Plasmid Biology 2022 will take place on September 18 to 23, 2022 at the University of Toulouse III- Paul Sabatier, France. The conference is the biennial International Symposium of the International Society for Plasmid Biology and other Mobile Genetic Elements (ISPB).
Registration are open !
Please note that, to date, vaccine against Covid-19 is no more mandatory for participating to the Plasmid meeting (contact organisers for more information)
We will keep you informed about any change relative to COVID19. We wish you all the best during this epidemic period.
The conference will cover all aspects of plasmids and mobile genetic elements (MGEs), including replication and maintenance, horizontal transfer, genomics and systems biology, synthetic biology, industrial, agricultural and medical biotechnology, evolution, ecology, epidemiology, and the role of plasmids/MGEs in bacterial pathogenesis.
The conference will start on Sunday evening, September 18th with a keynote lecture on “Bacterial secretion systems” given by Eric Cascales from the CNRS, LISM in Marseille, France. The closing lecture on September 22nd will be given by the President of the ISPB, Barbara Funnell, from the University of Toronto.
The program is currently under construction with the selection of the speakers. Below are the timing for the first and last days:
Sunday 18th: 3-5:30 pm: Welcome
5:30 pm: ISPB2022 Opening presentation
6 pm: Opening lecture
Thursday 22th: 4 pm: Closing lecture
7 pm: Dinner Gala
Friday 23rd: Departure
We will showcase diverse topics and presenters. Graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and early career scientists are particularly encouraged to attend and contribute to the meeting. Oral sessions will feature invited talks by leading international researchers and presentations chosen from submitted abstracts. The poster sessions will give all attendees an opportunity to present their latest findings, with ample time for informal discussions, socializing, and networking
We look forward to welcoming you to Toulouse in September 2022: come to learn about exciting science related to plasmids and other mobile elements and to explore the beautiful city of Toulouse.

The conference is organised by a local organising committee of the "Laboratoire de Microbiologie et Génétique Moléculaires" (LMGM) - Centre for Integrative Biology (CBI) of Toulouse: Dr Jean-Yves Bouet and Dr François Cornet, PI at the LMGM and Dr Isabelle Saves, head of international Cooperation at the CBI-Toulouse. Contact: ispb2020@sciencesconf.org
The Plasmid Biology 2020 scientific committee is composed of Pr Daniella Barilla (University of York, UK), Pr Marie-Cécile Ploy (University of Limoges, France), Pr Fernando de la Cruz (University of Santander, Spain) and Pr Didier Mazel (Pasteur Institute, Paris, France).